How do I apply for respite care?
When you are just starting out on your search for short-term residential care, the first thing you need to know is how to get respite care.
If you are arranging your own respite care, or perhaps respite care for elderly friends and family, it’s best to start by contacting the care provider who runs the residential care home where you are hoping to book a respite care break. They will be able to discuss your care needs with you, advise whether these can be safely met at your chosen respite care home, and talk to you about availability at the time you wish to stay. They will also be able to talk to you about costs, relevant special offers, and perhaps even suggest alternative respite care homes if your original choice cannot support you on your chosen dates.
Your respite care may be arranged on your behalf if you require specialist support and rehabilitation in a respite care home setting before returning to your own home following a period in hospital. If this is the case, your respite care will generally be organised by the hospital discharge team, working in conjunction with the Adult Social Care Team at your Local Authority. You may still be asked to cover or contribute towards the cost of your respite care stay, depending upon your medical and financial circumstances.
Whilst you do not need to apply for respite care, you may wish to apply for respite care funding to support the cost of your respite stay. To find out if you qualify for financial support towards your respite care, please contact your Local Authority Adult Social Care Team who will be able to advise.
The perfect care solution
We offer respite care breaks in all of our specialist residential care homes, meaning that we have the location, the expertise and the tailored care you need.